Planning Applications Committee 21 March 2019

Venue: Council chamber – Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX


No. Item
1. Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Marsie Skeete.

Councillor Dennis Pearce attended as a substitute.

2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.

Councillor David Dean declared that as his family had been involved with Wimbledon Rugby Club he would not speak or vote on this item.

3. Minutes of the previous meeting  PDF 48 KB


RESOLVED:  That the minutes of the meeting held on 14 February 2019 were agreed as an accurate record.

4. Town Planning Applications

The Chair will announce the order of Items at the beginning of the Meeting.


Supplementary Agenda: Amendments and modifications to the Officer’s report were published in a Supplementary Agenda. This applied to items 5, 9, 10, 11, and 12.

Order of the meeting – The Chair announced that the items would be taken in the following order:

  1. No. 5 Wimbledon Rugby Club
  2. No. 9 27 – 39 Hartfield Road
  3. No. 11 Wimbledon Stadium 20:52
  4. No. 13 52 – 54 Wandle Bank 21:41
  5. No. 7 The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club 22:07
  6. No. 8 356 Garth Road
  7. No. 10 58 Haynt Walk 22:25
  8. No. 12 Land Adj, 65 Sherwood Park Road 22:42-22:50
  9. No. 14
  10. No. 15

Note: Item 6 was withdrawn from the Agenda prior to the meeting

5. Wimbledon Rugby Club, Beverley Meads, Barham Road, SW20 0ET  PDF 171 KB

Application Number: 18/0183                    Ward: Village

Officer Recommendation: GRANT Planning Permission subject to conditions

Additional documents:


GRANTED Planning Permission subject to conditions


Proposal: Installation of artificial grass on existing rugby pitch with associated hard and soft landscaping, fencing and floodlighting.

The Committee noted the officer’s report and presentation and additional information in the Supplementary Agenda. The Committee received verbal presentations from 3 objectors (who shared the maximum time of 6 minutes) and the Applicant and Agent.

The Objectors raised points including:

  • Will affect and have huge impact on the openness of the MOL (Metropolitan Open Land)
  • Will reduce access across the space
  • A much less intrusive application for Cricket Nets was refused in 2016
  • There is no travel plan, despite requests. The site Ptal rating is 0
  • Private streets cannot be considered as available for parking. These streets have no pavements
  • The site does not have the capacity for 178 cars parking on the grass in the MOL.
  • Application will cause loss of grass and is detrimental to the MOL
  • Residents see no difference between this application and the refused previous application
  • Procedural flaw in process as the Transport Survey was late. There are other pieces of information missing.
  • The proposed floodlighting does not fall into a defined exception and must be deemed inappropriate. There are recent appeal decisions where floodlights have been considered inappropriate in the Greenbelt

The Applicant and Agent made points including:

  • This application is part of the ‘Rugby 365’ program to create high quality accessible Rugby venues
  • LBM supports the playing field strategy
  • There is no detrimental impact on the character of the area.
  • This is an upgrade of existing facilities, the existing floodlighting is to be replaced by new that creates less light spillage. The fencing is to be upgraded to blend in.
  • Other such pitches in MOL land have been allowed
  • The club provides many opportunities for local adult and children’s sport.
  • This application will improve community engagement and allow for increased participation
  • It has been demonstrated that it will not cause any detrimental impact on local parking
  • Floodlight training already takes place
  • No use after 10pm, supported by LBM Environmental Health
  • Large number of supporting representations sent in

In reply to Members’ questions, Officers replied:

  • The application for Cricket Nets was refused because they were proposed in a different area, an area that currently does not have any facilities on it. This application is proposing to replace an existing rugby pitch with another, and therefore Officers can support.
  • We asked the applicant for their busiest peak  times and carried out transport survey at those times. Not aware of Residents being asked about these times. After 8pm the traffic disappears
  • The Parking Survey was done by Highways Engineers and was a technical request, this was not re-consulted on. There was a delay getting this onto the web-site as Highways Officers were reviewing the document.
  • Cars can park on the grass
  • This main benefit of this scheme for the Club is year round usage of the pitch.

Members made comments including:

  • The Transport Survey does appear to be skewed towards the Rugby Club, another survey should be carried out to include and represent residents
  • The all-weather pitch will mean more use but still only one match at a time will be played. Saturdays and Sundays 9am -3pm would still be the busiest time. Can see no reason to refuse, and will always support increased sporting facilities for residents.
  • Attach weight to the comments of the Wimbledon and Putney Downs Conservators, who subject to the hours of floodlighting, are content with the application


Cllr Attawar Cllr Chung Cllr Dean Cllr Kirby Cllr Latif Cllr Makin Cllr McGrath Cllr Pearce Cllr Southgate Cllr Ward
For For Not Voting For Against For For For For For


The Committee voted to GRANT Planning Permission subject to conditions

Supporting documents:

6. 141 The Broadway, Wimbledon, SW19 1QJ  PDF 180 KB

Application Number:17/P0296                  Ward: Abbey

Officer Recommendation: GRANT Planning Permission subject to S106 agreements and conditions


Additional documents:




Withdrawn from this agenda prior to the meeting

7. The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, Church Road, Wimbledon, London, SW19 5AE  PDF 132 KB

Application Number: 18/P4236                  Ward: Village

Officer Recommendation: Grant Planning Permission subject to conditions

Additional documents:


GRANTED Planning Permission subject to conditions


Proposal: Application for temporary permission to erect 5 x air domes over existing clay courts between September and May for a period of 3 years

The Committee noted the officer’s report and presentation


The Committee voted unanimously to GRANT Planning Permission subject to conditions

8. 356 Garth Road, Morden, SM4 4NL  PDF 164 KB

Application Number: 19/P0418                  Ward: Lower Morden

Officer Recommendation: Grant Planning Permission subject to conditions

Additional documents:


GRANTED Planning Permission subject to conditions


Proposal: Erection of an end of terrace dwelling with basement level incorporating new vehicular crossover to Wydell Close and off-street parking.

The Committee noted the officer’s report and presentation

Members made comments including:

  • The Committees previous refusal was for one specific reason and the applicant has tackled this issue with this application
  • We cannot turn this down just because we would not want to live in it
  • The amenity space, 17.5m2 , is now acceptable


The Committee voted to GRANT Planning Permission subject to condition

9. From: 37m40s

27 – 39 Hartfield Road, Wimbledon, SW19 3SG  PDF 197 KB

Application Number: 18/P4447                  Ward: Dundonald

Officer Recommendation: Grant Planning Permission subject to conditions and S106 Agreement

Additional documents:


Cllr Attawar Cllr Chung Cllr Dean Cllr Kirby Cllr Latif Cllr Makin Cllr McGrath Cllr Pearce Cllr Southgate Cllr Ward
For For Against For Not Voting For Against Against Not Voting For


GRANTED Planning Permission subject to conditions and S106 Agreement

10. 58 Haynt Walk, Raynes Park, SW20 9NX  PDF 162 KB

Application Number: 18/P4357                  Ward: Cannon Hill

Officer Recommendation: Grant Planning Permission subject to conditions

Additional documents:


GRANTED Planning Permission subject to conditions

11. From: 1h36m28s

Wimbledon Stadium, Plough Lane, Tooting, SW17 0BL  PDF 664 KB

Application Number: 18/P3354                  Ward: Wimbledon Park

Officer Recommendation: GRANT Variation of Conditions, subject to conditions and deed of variation to the S106 agreement

Additional documents:


GRANTED Variation of Conditions, subject to conditions and deed of variation to the S106 agreement

12. Land Adj, 65 Sherwood Park Road, Mitcham, CR4 1NB  PDF 141 KB

Application Number: 18/P3386                  Ward: Pollards Hill

Officer Recommendation: Grant Planning Permission subject to conditions

Additional documents:


GRANTED Planning Permission subject to conditions

13. 52 – 54 Wandle Bank, Colliers Wood, London, SW19 1DW  PDF 214 KB

Application Number: 18/P3780                  Ward: Abbey

Officer Recommendation: Grant Planning Permission subject to conditions and deed of variation to the S106 agreement

Additional documents:


GRANTED Planning Permission subject to conditions and deed of variation to the S106 agreement.

14. Planning Appeal Decisions  PDF 126 KB
15. Planning Enforcement – Summary of Current Cases  PDF 102 KB

Merton Council also recorded the audio from the same meeting which for the video they take the feed from the projector, you can watch that version here.

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About Sara Sharp

Sara's expertise includes planning, keeping an eagle eye on all the proposals in Wimbledon and further afield.
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