Merton Council Cabinet 27 January 2020

Venue: Committee rooms C, D & E – Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX


No. Item
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of pecuniary interest
3. Minutes of the previous meeting  PDF 65 KB
4. Contract Award – Risk and Resilience Service 2020  PDF 112 KB



1.    That the contract for the provision of Risk and Resilience Service be awarded to the organisation identified as Contractor A in the Confidential Annex to the Cabinet report, for a period of 3 years from 1 April 2020, with an option to extend for up to two further years at the discretion of the council.

2.    That authority be delegated to the Director of Children Schools and Families after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children to approve the additional 2 further years’ extensions.

5. Merton Adult Learning Strategic Objectives  PDF 106 KB

Additional documents:



1.    the strategic objectives for the next 3 years for Merton’s Adult Learning Service be agreed.

2.    That the progress in the evolution of the model of service following the transition in 2016 to a commissioning model of service and the recent ‘Good’ Ofsted inspection outcomes be noted.

6. DSG Recovery Plan  PDF 125 KB

Additional documents:



1.         That the Recovery Plan requested by the Department of Education in response to Merton’s overspend on the Dedicated Schools Grant caused by significant overspending of the high needs block, and the context and background in which this Recovery Plan has been required be noted.

2.         To continue to lobby central government to ensure sufficient funding is made available through the DSG to achieve the intentions of the Children and Families Act 2014 for all children and young people to be able to achieve their full potential.

7. Waste and street cleansing contract annual review  PDF 81 KB



1.    That the outcome of the annual review of the South London Waste Partnership agreement with Veolia, as set out in the report, be agreed.

2.    That the changes arising as a result of a combination of growth in the number of households across the borough, and updated evidence of the cost of providing the waste service that have arisen since the last review, be noted.

3.    That the Cabinet continue to support separate measures to monitor and improve service performance as outlined in this report.

8. Financial Monitoring November 2019  PDF 775 KB



1.    That Cabinet note the financial reporting data for month 8, November 2019, relating to revenue budgetary control, showing a forecast net underspend at year-end of £378k, -0.1% of gross budget.

2.    That Cabinet note the contents of Section 4 and the amendments to the Capital Programme contained in Appendix 5b and approve the amendments in the Table below:

Scheme 2019/20 Budget 2020/21 Budget Narrative
Corporate Service
Invest to Save (100,000) 100,000 Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend
Planned Replacement Programme – Data Centre (150,000) 150,000 Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend
Planned Replacement Programme – Equipment Purchase 100,000 0 Vired from Corporate Cap Maint to cover projected costs
Other Buildings – Capital Maintenance (100,000) 0 Vired to IT Planned Rep Prog to cover projected costs
Housing Company (1,564,460) 1,564,460 Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend
Westminster Coroners Court (455,000) 455,000 Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend
Children, Schools and Families
Cricket Green – Capital Maintenance 102,250 0 Vired from various Cap Maint Schemes to cover projected costs
Cricket Green Expansion (100,000) 100,000 Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend
Environment and Regeneration
Replacement Fleet Vehicles (284,000) 284,000 Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend
Highways & Footways – Traffic Schemes (100,000) 100,000 Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend
Highways & Footways – Bridges and Structures (100,000) 100,000 Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend
Wimbledon Area Regen – Crowded Places/Hostile Vehicle (259,030) 268,000 Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend
Borough Regeneration – Haydons Rd Shopfronts (204,000) 204,000 Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend
Parks Investment – Canons Parks for the People (688,300) 688,300 Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend
Mitcham Area Regen – Canons Parks for the People (1,244,290) 1,244,290 Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend
Morden Leisure Centre (231,820) Scheme complete relinquished budget
Sports Facilities – Wimbledon Park Lake (1,318,160) 1,318,160 Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend
Parks Investment – Resurface Tennis Courts (Wimb Pk) 150,440 Funded by a contribution from a renewal reserve
Total (6,546,370) 6,576,210


9. Business Plan 2020-24  PDF 5 MB



1.            That the new draft growth proposals (Appendix 7), and the new draft savings/income proposals (Appendix 5a) and associated draft equalities impact assessments (Appendix 6) put forward by officers be agreed and referred to the Overview and Scrutiny panels and Commission in February 2020 for consideration and comment as part of the Member’s Information Pack.

2.            That the growth and savings and the associated draft equalities analyses for the savings noted in October (Member’s Information Pack) be agreed.

3.            That the latest amendments to the draft Capital Programme 2020-2024 which was considered by Cabinet on 14 October 2019 and by scrutiny in November 2019 (Appendix 9) be agreed and referred to the Overview and Scrutiny panels and Commission in February 2020 for consideration and comment as part of the Member’s Information Pack.

4.            That the proposed amendments to savings, including the draft equalities impact assessments previously agreed. (Appendices 5b and 5c) be agreed and referred to the Overview and Scrutiny panels and Commission in February 2020 for consideration and comment as part of the Member’s Information Pack.

5.            That the proposed Council Tax Base for 2020/21 set out in paragraph 2.9 and Appendix 1 be agreed.

6.            That the draft service plans (Appendix 8) be referred to the Overview and Scrutiny panels and Commission in February 2020 for consideration and comment as part of the Member’s Information Pack.

7.            That authority be delegated to the Director of Corporate Services in discussion with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance for Merton to enter into a London Business Rates Pool for 2020/21.

10. Exclusion of the public

To RESOLVE that the public are excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following appendices on the grounds that they are exempt from disclosure for the reasons stated in the appendices.


The Cabinet noted that the contents of the exempt appendices would not be referred to and therefore the meeting remained in public.

11. Contract Award – Risk and Resilience Service Exempt Appendix


The Cabinet noted the contents of the exempt appendix.  The decision is set out under item 4 above.

12. Waste and street cleansing contract annual review – Exempt appendix


The Cabinet noted the contents of the exempt appendix.  The decision is set out under item 7 above.


About Eve Cohen

Eve monitors planning application and green space issues. Her dedication and commitment keeps Merton TV the reliable, comprehensive resource to residents that it has become.
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